Tag : 2016


Turul Spaniei 2016, rezumatul etapei a 5-a

Etapa a 5-a (Viveiro / Lugo) – La Vuelta a España 2016 [themeum_column col=”3/4″] [themeum_category category=”stiri” layout=”latest” title=”citeste si…” maxpost=”6″] [/themeum_column] [themeum_column col=”1/4″] [themeum_category category=”istoria-sportului” layout=”latest”...
Alte Sporturi

Turul Frantei 2016 etapa a 13-a

Mircea M
Bourg-Saint-Andéol / La Caverne du Pont-d’Arc 37.5 KM [bwl_bnm title=”Ultima ora” show_title=”1″ ticbg=”#FFFF00″ tbg=”#0a0a0a” tfc=”#f7f7f7″ tfs=”14px” pfc=”#0d0d0d” pfs=”15px” inline=”1″ /] [themeum_category category=”euro-2016″ layout=”carousel” title=”Euro” maxpost=”9″]...

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